The Electrical Blog

Kids' Art Contest

Posted by Tisa Foster on Fri, May 03, 2013

Hey, kids! We’re looking for some great artwork illustrating any kind of electrical safety tip. Need some ideas to get you started?


                  - Don’t plug too many things into one outlet

                  - Don’t unplug something by yanking on the cord

                  - Keep appliances far away from water

                  - Don’t climb a tree or fly your kite near power lines


Send your artwork, along with your name, age and contact information, to:

Berwick Electric Co.

Kids’ Art Contest

3450 N. Nevada Ave. #100

Colorado Springs, CO 80907


Please submit your artwork by July 1, 2013. We will notify the winner by phone or email and congratulate him or her in our next newsletter. The winner’s artwork will be proudly displayed in our lobby and on our website and Facebook page.

The winner will also win a free ticket to the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, as well as tickets for his or her immediate family. Non-winners can pick up their artwork at our office between July 1 and July 15, 2013 if they would like it returned. Any submissions may be used in our marketing materials.

 Good luck!

Art contest   palette

Topics: Service Department, Community