Review a Colorado Springs Electrician

Review Berwick Electric Co.

If you had a great experience with our company, we hope you will tell others!


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Google Review

Google reviews are helpful in sifting out the good from the great when you are looking for a qualified electrician. We want to earn our reputation as the best electricians in Colorado Springs by giving you premier service.


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Yelp collects reviews of local businesses and is a great way for customers to find us.

Colorado Springs Electricians on Facebook



"Like" us! Berwick makes an effort to continually add fun photos and update the community on new company happenings, as well as affordable family events in the Pikes Peak region.


Electricians on Twitter - Colorado Springs, CO@BerwickElctrcCO



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Electricians on LinkedIn - Colorado Springs, CO



We'd like to connect with our fellow businesses in Colorado Springs and surrounding communities, as well as residential customers.




Want to talk about your experience with just us? We'd be happy to hear about it! Our regular business hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.